Sunday, March 21, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday!

Well, it's been WAY too long since I've participated in Muffin Tin Mondays, so I'm happy to pull up an MTM I did a few weeks ago, but neglected to post. It's not a creative one, it's not even really an *official* one, but we made carrot muffins together and had so much fun.

AND they were so yummy! They had an interesting spice flavor to them, too. I used a Pillsbury box mix, but they had a "from scratch" feeling as they were freshly-baked, ya know?

So, despite the complete MTM feel, we are participating this week anyway! Hope you are, too, and that you're having fun doing it!

Join us if you're interested:

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth


  1. The muffins look awesome!

  2. Very Cute idea. I love baking with the kids.

  3. Crazy.. you are my twin today! We (Princess and I) made muffins tonite too. The FiberOne Apple Ones. They were really good. We added Pecans, and sprinkled them with Flax Seeds. Could pass them off as scratch! :) Had a blast!
    Yay for MTS(unday)

  4. Mmm those muffins look tasty. Great MTM ;)

  5. Yummy!!! I should make those for my veggie hating tot.

  6. My girls love baking! Muffins are one of our favorite things to make together!

  7. wait. box mixes aren't from scratch? because i totally think they are.

  8. Those muffins look great. The first time I used our muffin tin to make muffins Emily was like Mom what are you doing that is not what they are for. Since then she has realized a muffin tin has so many different uses :0)

  9. The muffins look delicious. I bet you guys had fun making them too!


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