Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I love a new meme (can't you tell?)


  1. YAY! You got drugs---I AM SO HAPPY! I hope they kick in soon and help you feel tons better.

    Love your notes---I skipped out on mine today in honor of a post I've been kinda wanting to do. Go look and laugh at me!

  2. If my kids ever hit anyone when we were out I would be mortified! I am always amazed when people let their children be rude in public. But not amazed in a good way, ya know?

    I hope the meds help you feel better soon! A good nights sleep will make you feel like a brand new person!

  3. An apology is in order, for sure!!! How rude.

    I hope the meds help you sleep much better. (and the hubs too.)

  4. Welcome to Post It Tuesday! It's fun, isn't it!!!

  5. My mom's is on that drug. She's had RA since she was 29 and I think she's been taking that one almost the whole time. Fun stuff! Right.

  6. These are great!! Hope u feel better -I've been battling a terrible cough myself

  7. Just a quick 'note' to say Have a happy WW ;)

  8. Oh how rude! It's like being at the movies and having a "kicker" sit behind you!
    Loved your post it notes!

  9. Hi,
    Thanks for visiting my blog. The person whose kid hit you in the back needs to have that note tattooed on. : ) Great post and Post-Its!


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