I received a copy of Finding Marco, by Kenneth C. Cancellara to review from the publicist some time ago. I have to admit that I just could not get started with this story at first, as I was prepared for the Italian countryside, the memories of a man who missed the easy-going way things used to be, and a taste of culture that would have me dreaming of a trip abroad.
Unfortunately, Part I of this book was quite difficult for me to get through. I honestly could have done without the first 76 pages. Mark (later recognized as the title character of Marco) goes through many changes in the professional part of his life, and I just felt that we could have gotten to the turning point in the story without all of the work story background. Maybe it was the cover artwork that led me to believe the author would immediately take me to Italia, or the name Marco? Or the general details of the book I had received, but I found myself skimming the early pages.
This is not to say that someone else wouldn't enjoy them, but that part of life is so irrelevant for me these days, that I wasn't interested in corporate mergers, CEO successors and whatnot. Perhaps you would delve right into the story from page one, who knows?
You may have a chance, if you are interested, as I received an extra copy of this book to give away to my readers, but I'll get to that part shortly ...
So my favorite description used by Cancellara in this book is when Mark first lands in Italy (not a spoiler, we all know he's headed to his homeland to find himself again) and thinks:
There were no understudies in Italy; only principal performers in their prime, conducting life's drama through the many vagaries of the heart. There was no fakery; only deeply held emotions straight from l'anima (the soul).
It was just so beautiful and so touching, and so inspiring. The perfect sentiment for him as he started his journey home.
Mark's life goes through many changes as he re-learns how to live the way he always dreamed he would, and he becomes someone we like, enjoy and are interested in. So while the book started off quite difficult for me to read, the turn of sentiment and focus helped me to like Mark as he helped us learn about his "inner Marco."
I wouldn't say this was a favorite book for me, but I do think others may enjoy it, as we all have different tastes in stories. I figured I would give it a go, as I was contacted about it and thought I might enjoy a different kind of read.
That out of the way, here comes the Giveaway portion of this post.
* If you're interested in receiving the spare copy I have to give away to one of my readers, please comment on this post.
** If you're REALLY interested, and you follow me, let me know for a second entry.
*** And if you're REALLY REALLY interested, follow me on Twitter @goodgirlgonered and tweet about this giveaway for yet another entry.
You'll have a week to get these entries in and then I'll be picking the winner via Random.org, so good luck, peeps!
** I was not compensated in any way for writing this review. I did receive a free copy of this book from the publicist to facilitate my review, and an extra copy to give away to my readers. **
This book sounds really interesting! My great grandfather was born in Italy, and then moved to Canada, back to Italy and then back to Canada. If this is open to Canadians, count me in!