
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Sweet Peanut Butter Cereal Treats

recipe, dessert, snack, cereal, no-bake, treats, holiday candy, holiday dessert, cookie-like, gluten free, nut free, peanut butter, super sweet

These are so good.

I mean it. So so good.

And super simple, too.

They're the perfect treat to bring to a holiday party, a potluck any time of the year, and can even be made-gluten free (cereal choice) and/or peanut free (nut butter choice) if you want or need to.


5 cups of cereal (round circle-O-type cereal)
1 cup corn syrup
1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter
(creamy works best, but I am sure crunchy would be fine, too - as would any other nut butter)
1 tsp vanilla (optional - but I used it)

I first tried these a few years ago when I found them on Real Mom Kitchen. And I haven't made them in a while - but holiday break started this week and I needed something to keep my kiddo busy. So - cereal treats it was!

Step one.
dessert, snack, cereal, no-bake, treats, holiday candy, holiday dessert, cookie-like, gluten free, nut free, peanut butter, super sweet, recipe

Combine the sugar and corn syrup on the stove. Bring to a boil and continue to boil for exactly one minute. Trust me - time this - if you do it too little or too long you'll mess up your treats.

Step two.
dessert, snack, cereal, no-bake, treats, holiday candy, holiday dessert, cookie-like, gluten free, nut free, peanut butter, super sweet, recipe

Remove from the heat and stir in peanut butter. This is the point you'd add the vanilla in, as well.

Step three:
dessert, snack, cereal, no-bake, treats, holiday candy, holiday dessert, cookie-like, gluten free, nut free, peanut butter, super sweet, recipe

Add cereal. Stir until the cereal is completely covered.

Step four.
dessert, snack, cereal, no-bake, treats, holiday candy, holiday dessert, cookie-like, gluten free, nut free, peanut butter, super sweet, recipe

dessert, snack, cereal, no-bake, treats, holiday candy, holiday dessert, cookie-like, gluten free, nut free, peanut butter, super sweet, recipe

Scoop onto parchment lined cookie sheets. We used an ice cream scooper - the kind with the lever - because it was the easiest way to avoid sticky fingers and extra utensils.

Step five.
dessert, snack, cereal, no-bake, treats, holiday candy, holiday dessert, cookie-like, gluten free, nut free, peanut butter, super sweet, recipe

Chill in the fridge for about 30-60 minutes. Store in a tightly sealed container. I store them in the fridge, and they're kind of hard when you first bite into them - like tooth-breaking hard - but they're still so good. You could probably take them out for a little bit before serving and they'd be just as delicious. Enjoy!


  1. These look really yummy Andrea! Pinned, yummed and stumbled.

  2. These look really yummy Andrea! Pinned, yummed and stumbled.

  3. It looks like you're eating just as deliciously at your house as I am at mine. Pull up a chair and let's have snacks together!

  4. I just bought a fresh box of Cheerios too! I can't wait to try this. They look every so yummy and easy too!


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